Ranked: How Americans Rate Business Figures


How Americans Rate Business Figures.

How Americans Rate Business Figures

Being widely known doesn’t always equate to being well-liked. Figures like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk, for example, are famous but don’t have a positive view among the majority of Americans.

This graphic visualizes the results of a YouGov survey that asks Americans for their opinions on various business figures.

Bill Gates is the Most-Liked Business Figure

YouGov defines popularity as the percentage of people who have a positive opinion of a person. Fame, on the other hand, is the percentage of people who have heard of that person.

The survey reveals that a majority of Americans do not hold positive opinions of any of these business figures. Bill Gates, for instance, holds the highest popularity rating, at just 45%.

Interestingly, only 65% of Americans are familiar with Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Name Popularity (%) Fame (%)
Bill Gates 45 97
Warren Buffett 44 87
Mark Cuban 43 84
Elon Musk 42 94
Mark Zuckerberg 37 97
Donald Trump, Jr. 36 93
Richard Branson 35 73
Mike Lindell 34 72
Eric Trump 31 88
Tim Cook 30 65
Jeff Bezos 30 91
Callista Gingrich 25 54

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have high fame scores (93% and 88%, respectively) but relatively low popularity scores (36% and 31%).

Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban exemplify individuals with relatively balanced fame (87% and 84%) and popularity (44% and 43%).

Meanwhile, individuals like businesswoman, author, and documentary film producer Callista Gingrich and Mike Lindell, founder and CEO of MyPillow, are less prominent and have lower appeal.

Información extraída de: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-how-americans-rate-business-figures/


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